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Chapter Philanthropy

The women of Kappa Kappa Gamma Upsilon Chapter are passionate advocates of community service and philanthropy. Not only do we take the opportunity to contribute to our chapter’s philanthropies but also to support the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation, Reading IS Fundamental, and to many other philanthropic events in the Northwestern community.

One of our most successful annual events is Kappasta, at which members serve unlimited spaghetti and meatballs to Northwestern students. All proceeds from the event benefit Northwestern Dance Marathon (NUDM) and its chosen beneficiary.


Upsilon teams up with Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity annually to participate in NUDM. Upsilon Chapter has consistently been recognized as raising the second largest sum out of all large student groups. In 2016, team Kappike raised more than $82,000 for Blessings in A Backpack, a childhood hunger relief organization that mobilizes communities to combat food insecurity and provide food on the weekends for elementary school children who might otherwise go hungry, and the Evanston Community Foundation.


In fall 2015, Upsilon Chapter hosted the first annual Kappacino, at which Kappas sold coffee at The Rock to raise money to buy books for the Evanston Y. Members then went to the Y and read stories to elementary school children.


In the spring, KKG Upsilon holds its annual fundraiser for Reading IS Fundamental, Kappa's national philanthropy, Burgers for Books. The chapter organizes a barbecue to bring awareness to the cause on campus and to raise donations for the charity. With the help of some of Northwestern's amazing football players at the grill, the chapter sells hundreds of burgers!